When shit hits the carpet…

Becuase its a lot harder to clean shit from a carpet, than it is from a fan!  More on that fun experiance later.  lets backtrack to Wednesday.

Wednesday is my art day. they have the paint & sip that cost, like, $35 and it a BYOB.  its not that. its $5 and with a bunch of kids. I would much rather pay that, and learn about how kids think and come out with some cool art.  I can’t remember her name, but she does waterpaints of Hawaii. Here is mine.  what do you think?

 I don’t think I care much for watercolor, as it takes a certain chemical balance of water and patience. Mine isnt so bad, though. I really enjoy these classes. They’re cheap and I’m friends with the teacher and we do all art things, like….the art with the broken glass that I can’t remember the name of.  I wasnt very good at that one but it’s one I’ve always wanted to do! 

Thanksgiving~ the 7 of us, went to DKs place and after we ate, Alice was playing the drums and Dads spirit, decied he loved it sooo much, to turn off the power.  luckily, all was said and done and the kids had fun for about a half an hour with flashlights. 

lets see…..we set up the Christmas tree, went to the musem on Saturday…and thats about all, except for my shitty ending

Today! Decided to go big and cook a pot roast!  all was a good daythus far…. I moved her bed over to the window and we were playing on the floor.

Me: “you stink, we need to change your butt.”

Alice : “I’m pooping..”

Me: “yea,  I can smell it.  lets go”

lays her on carpeted blue floor in her room.


she was a river of shit. up the back, on the carpet. it was bath time.  Dan helped scrub the floor. 

I really hoped it would never happen to me…..I’m so sad it did.  we’re buying cottons tomorrow!  I’m very tired of this shit show.    

Merry December! (the pot rost turned out fine.)